Raleigh Distance Project
After an unfortunate early end to my college career as a runner, I had a brief moment of uncertainty of my future ability to come back from everything that has happened in the last two years. I didn't want to let go of a dream I have had since I was in middle school, but fear of the unknown left me stuck in limbo. I continued to pursue my goals of becoming the runner I always knew I could be, with a little hesitation. I had a lack of direction, I knew when my alarm would go off, I had the option to hit snooze because I didn't have the accountability any more. I continued to attend my teams Practice, but it just did not feel the same as before. I almost felt like a stranger with a place I once called home, with people I once Called teammates. I struggled with my own embarrassment of struggling to keep up with the team when I had the goal of having a running career. I was blessed to have a coach that always supported me the past five years of college, but I got the thought in my head I was wasting everyone’s time when results were far from what I wanted them to be. I haven't raced since the spring and it has been 2 years since I have run a PR. I have not been close since. I noticed myself slowly separating from that part of my life, wanting nothing to do with the team and take matters into my own hand. There was a week were I made up my mind to hand in the towel. After all I had my position in ministry with a new identity in Christ, I didn't need running. After much thought I remember reading a post from a former teammate Andy Cozerelli about the Raleigh Distance Project. The idea of the group just drew me in.
It has been awhile since I have announced my arrival as a new member of the RDP, I just never knew how much of a difference it would make in my life today. These girls have been such a great support system for me. This year has not been easy, I keep having multiple setbacks. It is a scary thing, not knowing where you stand with your fitness when you want to represent an elite group well. With my absence from training I never once heard an ounce of doubt from the RDP girls or my college coach. To a girl who almost gave up, this group has given me hope to reinvent myself as not only a competitive runner, but having a healthy balance of life along side of it. It has been so fun, meeting up and having people to support you even if their training looks completely different from you. Waking up at 5:30 to go workout and have teammates cheer you on, keeps me going. Community is important, and every member makes an effort to ensure that we create that amongst each other and the city of Raleigh. I wanted to write an appreciate post for my group and the people in it. They have showed me nothing but love since I have been apart of the squad. It has been the first time in awhile where I feel like I don't need to prove myself to feel like I belong. Results will come, I don't know when but I have so much gratitude for the girls. I have a new hunger and drive that was absent for awhile before having my community of Sir Walter babes. Thanks for being patient and understanding while I continue to fight the hurdles to get to my comeback. I feel blessed to be around girls that still see my potential.
If you haven't heard about us, I strongly recommend y'all to look up our page Raleigh Distance Project. We love making a difference in the community in hopes to lift up all who have the dream to make a difference in the sport of running.
<3 Sammy